I wrote I Am Chaos in January 2019. It was the first prompt in the first Toronto Songwriting School Songwriting Calendar that I got. In November 2018 I attended a songwriting retreat with them and it kicked off the ridiculous songwriting kick I’ve been on ever since. The prompt was to write about a household chore. Since Willie Nelson has already written an excellent song about doing the dishes, I decided that wasn’t going to be it. As I thought about chores I could write about, I started thinking about my obsession with having a really nice looking well organized...
The shoe I’ve put together to go with the song I Am Chaos is this Iron Fist zombie/skull heel with pretty black bows and pink soles. The mixture of the classic, sleek, open toed heel, along with the horror movie imagery is the perfect pairing for this song.
I got these at Go West, which is a really fun shoe store in Montreal. They sell very nice cowboy boots, but they supplement their income by buying up shoes at liquidation and selling them for $30 each. It’s a fun store. They also lend shoes for photo shoots, and I have...
This week I’m promoting my song One Foot in Front of the Other, and the natural shoe pairing for this number are this pair of sporty heels.
There was a bit of a trend in the late 90s of sneaker heels. I would like ten more pairs of them. They come back every few years, but the more recent models have been wedges, which I do like, but there’s something about the high tops and lace up fronts of some of the 90s one’s that I just loved. The only pair I currently have are these NM70s....
Running is a fairly important part of my life. I’ve missed the organized races that I was regularly taking part in, and which is the subject of my song ‘One Foot in Front of the Other.’ Those races are coming back and I’m currently training for two trail runs. The big one I’m doing is the Ragnar Relay in Tampa Bay Florida. A friend of mine from Montreal lives there now and we are one person shy of a complete team of 8! I’ve never run a relay before, and this one seems to be a little different in that,...
This week I’m talking about the song One Foot in Front of the Other, which is the 9th track on the Bloom & Grow album.
I wrote this during the pandemic at a time when there were no organized races happening, and I was avoiding running at my husband’s request as we’d been hearing so much about healthy people dropping dead of heart attacks while running because they had covid and didn’t know it. I sat in my apartment and imagined all the things that typically go through my head when I’m running a long distance race. From the focus...