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Halloweens October 31, 2023

It’s Halloween today. I like dressing up, so you’d think I’d make a bigger deal out of Halloween than I do. (Mostly I just like shopping after halloween for deals! ) But if you invite me to a party, I’ll come up with a costume. Anyway, here’s some costumes I’ve thrown together over the years. First up, Xena Warrior Princess. I wanted to go as Red Sonja that year, but I did a quick survey of my friends in Quebec and determined most people wouldn’t know who that was, so Xena won. (Which is good, cuz I don’t need a wig to be Xena!)

A white woman in a Xena Warrior Princess costume.  She is covered in fake blood and laughing.

Second, I went to a party with some people I barely knew, so I threw together this witch costume, and ended up swapping hats with a sea captain somewhere along the way.

Two pics side by side of a woman in a sexy witch costume.  She's wearing a short bob wig, and a black lame haltertop catsuit with some scarves around her waist.  In the first pic she has a witches hat, in the second a white sea captain hat. Next up is the storied sea nymph costume that I break out every few years, but things have never gotten out of hand the way they did that first year I wore that costume. (We shan’t get into that.) Two images side by side of a white woman in a diaphanous sea nymph costume comprised mainly of blue and white scarves.  There is a close-up of her face wearing a headdress made of netting, sea-shells, and fake coins.

Finally, me and my husband had a surprise wedding in Newfoundland one summer, so my brother Adam and family didn’t attend, cuz they live in Ontario. They invited us over for a halloween party that year, (in a cabin that has a Tickle Trunk Room!) so we dove into the tickle trunk and dressed up. Turns out, my brother and his in-laws had prepared a surprise wedding for us! With cake and everything! A small wedding cake decorated with hearts and music notes.  It says K & J.  It's sitting on a red table cloth, and there is a lot of booze on the table next to the cake.
So we have a very ridiculous set of wedding pictures from that night.  A white man in an orange 17th century aristocrat costume repleat with wig, slightly disheveled with his arm around a white woman wearing a grey sweater, a curly wig, and a head dress that looks like something you'd see in the Jetsons.  Belive it or not, these two are reading a wedding card.

I believe I was dressed up as 1950s idea of people in 2012.

A woman in a halloween costume that is best described as the 1950s idea of people in the 21st century.  She's wearing a black and silver dress made with some kind of foam, a matching hat, a curly haired wig, and a big grey sweater cuz it's cold where she is.

— Kyla
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