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Monday Movie Day - Rampage October 16, 2023

Rampage (2018)


The Rock never let’s us down!

Date Watched: 29 May 2023

We weren’t expecting much, but we wanted to be entertained and we figured anything involving The Rock is a safe bet. And he did not let us down!

My husband has played the game and pointed out the many deviations, but also the many nods to the source material.

The villians would have been over the top if I hadn’t just finished reading a book about the Theranos lady and seen things that twitter guy said.

There were lots of laughs, the story was good, The Rock was fun, the chemistry between him and Naomie Harris was fun, and heck, I was even moved by the ending.

This was definitely more enjoyable than a lot of what I’ve seen Hollywood offer in the last couple decades.

— Kyla
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