Valentine's Day
Today is Valentine’s Day, a day that I have always been quite fond of. I have a lot of friends who deride it as a marketing thing, but I see no reason to not celebrate love just to spite capitalism. Personally, I enjoy the giving of romantic gifts, but I’ll be the first to point out that it’s pretty darn easy to celebrate love without spending any money.
We had been planning to order in something special for Valentine’s this year, but Newfoundland is locked down right now due to the even more easily spreadable UK variant of covid, so we’re staying in and cooking instead.
Since the big day falls on a Sunday this year, it won’t be all that much different from my usual Sunday. There will be a big breakfast, some relaxing, some video games. Probably a walk since the long slow storm we’ve been having all week seems to have calmed down.
Part of the day will also involve some romantic snow shovelling. I have almost freed my car from the snowbank it’s currently cuddled into, and we only have a couple square meters left to clear to get the car out of the driveway and onto the road!