I'm Kyla Tilley and this is my little corner of the vast world wide web. You'll find a proper bio in my 'EPK' but I'd like to use this page to introduce myself less formally as, though I often use the royal 'We', I'm a punk at heart. You'll find me deep in the woods of the island of Newfoundland, in the province of Newfoundland & Labrador, on the far east coast of Canada. Most of my time is spent writing songs. The rugged nature of this place is a constant source of inspiration, as are books, movies, sports, video games, art, humanity, laundry, shoes...

The music I make exists because I grew up playing classical guitar, (really, baroque guitar) singing Celtic folk music, and listening to prog-rock and metal among other things. Prog-folk is the best descriptor I can think of for what it is exactly that I do. I've released two full length albums and a handful of EPs and singles which you can hear by following the 'Music' tab. Because I write songs live on my Twitch streams twice a week, there are many more songs that you can only hear in concert or on my Youtube channel.

Speaking of which, my Monday Morning Sing Songs on Twitch and my Weekly Wednesday Warbles on Youtube are two good places to hear some of those songs live. The Monday Morning Sing Song is a very casual affair where I do my best to help you start your week off with a positive feeling. The Wednesday Warble is a shorter performance of 10 songs on a theme, usually a mix of originals and covers. On Wednesdays and Fridays I write or record music on my Twitch show. Basically, I show up to be productive, and you show up to distract me. We keep score of who's ahead, but I've somehow managed to write and record an awful lot of songs this way.

On the subject of virtual space, I do my best to leave little bits of myself scattered across the web in the form of social media. The links to all those things are at the bottom of every page of this site, or you can look up @kylatilley on your favourite platform. Sometimes I gather those pieces up and post them here in my Blog along with longer musings, info on my other projects, and life's goings ons. There's a sign-up form for my 'Mailing List of Wonders' in the 'Contact' section. That's a monthly round-up of some of the things happening in the Kyla Tilley camp, usually presented with a link or a picture, and a thought on something I found interesting recently. It kind of reads like this page come to think of it.