Kyla's Blog [Subscribe]

90s Sneaker Heels October 02, 2022

This week I’m promoting my song One Foot in Front of the Other, and the natural shoe pairing for this number are this pair of sporty heels.

There was a bit of a trend in the late 90s of sneaker heels. I would like ten more pairs of them. They come back every few years, but the more recent models have been wedges, which I do like, but there’s something about the high tops and lace up fronts of some of the 90s one’s that I just loved. The only pair I currently have are these NM70s.... (more)


A Brief History of My Running September 30, 2022

Running is a fairly important part of my life. I’ve missed the organized races that I was regularly taking part in, and which is the subject of my song ‘One Foot in Front of the Other.’ Those races are coming back and I’m currently training for two trail runs. The big one I’m doing is the Ragnar Relay in Tampa Bay Florida. A friend of mine from Montreal lives there now and we are one person shy of a complete team of 8! I’ve never run a relay before, and this one seems to be a little different in that,... (more)


One Foot in Front of the Other September 25, 2022

This week I’m talking about the song One Foot in Front of the Other, which is the 9th track on the Bloom & Grow album.

I wrote this during the pandemic at a time when there were no organized races happening, and I was avoiding running at my husband’s request as we’d been hearing so much about healthy people dropping dead of heart attacks while running because they had covid and didn’t know it. I sat in my apartment and imagined all the things that typically go through my head when I’m running a long distance race. From the focus... (more)


Bloom & Grow August 02, 2022

Today is the day! My second full length album, Bloom & Grow is unleashed upon the world. It’s been 2 years since I first sat down and chose the songs I’d include on this offering. I had in mind a series of stories about personal growth, self-acceptance, and the very human quest to do something with our lives and leave something behind. In the two years from conception to release there have been many changes in my life, but what I envisioned for the album really didn’t change. It seems like it’s been a really long time coming. There are... (more)


April set up. April 17, 2021

The spring is upon us. (So of course it’s been snowing here for two days.)

We’ve moved into our new house and I am almost finished setting up my studio. There remains a lot of work to do on the electric side with the drum kit as it will need some sound proofing. Even though we have few and further neighbours, drums are loud, and sound carries, so we still have work to do, but my singer-songwriter acoustic space is operational.

I am very excited about my studio. It is in the basement, but the basement is above ground, and... (more)

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