This is my first single with a b-side that I’ve released and I’m quite pleased with it. I had initially just planned to release the song Spring! but once I had it recorded, I thought that the very short and sweet Seeds would make a great accompaniment. Spring! initially came out of my involvement with Tree Songs, a series of online concerts that were set up to raise awareness around a forest in our nation’s capital slated to be cut down to, get this, put up a parking lot.
I wanted Spring! to be pretty stripped down. I had initially...
Today is Mother’s Day so I thought I’d share some pics of the trip me and my mom took to London last year.
1: We shared a room with silly little twin beds in Covent Garden.

2: Mom likes to go to art museums when we travel, so first up was the National Portrait Gallery where...

I’ve had to sit on this for about 3 years as all the logistics were worked out, and I’m super stoked to be able to tell you that I am a part of this Rush Tribute Album that will be released on April 26th! There is currently a pre-sale and auction ongoing. You can find all the details HERE!
I cover Subdivisions on this. When I...
Each year my household chooses a theme which becomes a sort of mantra for the year. We choose something that fits with our goals and we build around it. We don’t always achieve our goals, but the theme always enhances our lives in some way. Last year the theme was Barbaric Productivity. We focused on getting stuff done. I didn’t get all the things done that I wanted, but I ended up discovering some productivity tools that I am finding very helpful. I thought it would be fun to share. Two I pay for and opted for their annual plan,...
This is a pair of really killer shoes that I sometimes forget that I own.
I got them on a deep discount while shopping for another pair of shoes on the Hades Footwear website during the pandemic. I had ordered a different pair of shoes that took about a year from the time I ordered them to the time they arrived (but that’s a different shoe story.) Anyway, they gave me a discount code (among other things, very good customer service at Hades!) and I was perusing the site and see these which were already in the sales bin. I’ve...