Kyla's Blog [Subscribe]

New Shoes September 13, 2019

This summer I released New Shoes, Kyla Tilley’s first full length solo album. Parts of it are older recordings that we salvaged from earlier attempts, and some of it was recorded more recently. The pictures on the front and back cover were taken at a songwriting retreat I attended in November 2018. It was very inspiring, and I think deserves it’s own post. The album was already recorded, so no retreat songs to be found here, but I packed appropriate shoes as it looked like it might be a nice spot to do a cover shoot, and... (more)


Long Songs and a Loose Summer January 31, 2019

A number of years ago I composed and recorded some music to accompany a summer fashion show. The name of the show was Loose Summer as it featured loose, flowy, light summer clothes, but it was also meant as a reference to the idea of summer in Newfoundland, which is loose at best.

I wrote and recorded this in the basement of my Mother-in-law’s house over the course of a week. It’s a dug out basement, with French doors, lots of sunlight, and a nice hard concrete floor. Since I was travelling I had my Yamaha electric classical instead of... (more)


What Molt's been up to October 31, 2018

Molt has been hard at work completing the writing for our second album: Deep.

We’re planning a three song free fall from the surface of the ocean to the abyssal depths. You can get a taste of what’s to come on Instagram. where we’ve been posting a riff from the new album every weekday in October, or you can watch all the riffs in a row in this compilation on Youtube.


Whimseys EP September 15, 2018

I have released a five song EP. You can check it out on Bandcamp or on various online streaming platforms. Each song was recorded off the floor in my jam space and are as you would hear me perform live, just me and my guitar. I feel that it is appropriately titled Whimseys. I also recorded an acoustic version of the Endearing Perversion version of Cara Winsor Hehir’s Joe Batt’s Arm Tarts. This is a fun one that I’ve been meaning to add to my live repertoire ever since I made a scratch recording to show Cara what I... (more)


Kyla Tilley Solo Album June 03, 2015

Many of you are wondering what the deal is with the Kyla Tilley solo album I recorded a couple years ago. Well, you’ll all be horrified to hear that I recorded everything just a bit too quietly, and I have to do the whole thing again. There was a bit of time in which we thought only certain parts needed to be re-recorded, or that the recordings could be saved somehow, but after several passes, it’s been determined that the album as recorded would not be able to be mastered to a professional level. It is unfortunate that I avoided... (more)

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